Hello Southeast and Northeast Members-

Most of us look forward to a relaxing time at Sunshine Key each fall. As you know, Irma pretty much destroyed the campground. Renovation is nearing completion, and they will be up and running within a couple of months- However, it is not without great cost that these improvements have been completed-

We have enjoyed some really great rates the past several years, but these are no longer available. We have also tried to deal with every other campground that could accommodate us as well. But, the outcome has been less than desired- all pricing has been increased to pay for the severe damages to the properties.

So- before scrapping the entire project, we are coming to you for a vote- If we go back to Sunshine Key again, the rally rate would be $299- and include only a light breakfast for the days we are there- All other meals would be on your own- of course, and we would continue to have Happy Hour as usual – but no budget for food. They are happy to have us at Sunshine- and will give us the same 4 days ahead and 4 days after at the rally rate, just as they previously had extended. That rate would be approximately $70 per night (including resort fees and taxes)

So, we need to hear from you as soon as possible- in order to either cancel or go on with plans – we need at least 25 motor homes attending to get this pricing- This is a time sensitive survey, please complete by midnight Tuesday January 23rd!


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